Where Love Doesn’t Reach [END]
Complete apiacherie Complete apiacherie

Where Love Doesn’t Reach [END]

It’s been a hot minute, but I finally have a piece that’s been finished!! I’m actually pretty happy with how this take came out, so I am extra pleased. And this was on my list forever for things I want to learn, so I can finally check this one off.

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Where Love Doesn’t Reach #1
First Impressions apiacherie First Impressions apiacherie

Where Love Doesn’t Reach #1

Woooo, I got this take on July 31 so it’s been a couple weeks, but wanted to post this before I finalize the piece (which is probably going to happen this month). This one was on my list for a longggg time, and I ended up caving and buying the book specifically for this arrangement!! (Though I have luckily found some other pieces in the book that I also want to learn lol.) I have not played FFIX, but ever since I first heard this arrangement, I have been VERY IN LOVE with it… more on that later.

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