Ashes of Dreams - Snapshot #3
*appears after over a week with almost nothing to show for it* so I fell into bad practice habits and..... progress became incremental but HERE I AM
Here's the chunk that was the most difficult.. basically everything from 5 seconds in lol. The chords for this arrangement are very foreign to me since the arranger obviously had jazz influence so not only are there tons of accidentals but the chord progressions simply don't come to me as naturally.. but it does make the payoff that much more rewarding. The HARDEST phrase was at 0:15...... it's hard to see from this angle but both of my hands have to jump down precisely and I'm playing interval after interval in rapid succession BUT ALL THE INTERVALS ARE DIFFERENT SIZES... I seem to nail this part the most when I stop fussing over it lol. And the gliss at the end is a work in progress I DON'T ACTUALLY KNOW HOW TO GLISS?????? This is the first piece I've ever played with a gliss so I'm kinda..... idk what to do lol
And here's a longer passage- I actually didn't play the last part too well which is why I recorded a cleaner version up above lol TO PROVE TO MYSELF THAT I COULD PLAY ON CAMERA DECENTLY!!! Spent too much time on that excerpt to not be able to..... I still need to work on the swing rhythm and opening it up. I can definitely hear and also feel myself going tighter and tighter at certain phrases but the whole point of swing is to be open and have Space WHOOPS also the part at 0:16 was so painful lol... I've been trying to apply some Nahre Sol knowledge to my learning process in terms of analyzing any patterns and such and I definitely did that here and it did help!! I also need to work on the LH parts at 0:57- my pinky and ring fingers aren't strong on either hand but LH MORESO.... And to have to SWING those eighth notes???? lord lol
The biggest challenge overall for this chunk was really just learning the notes and getting familiar with the stacked fourths... there sure are a ton of those here.... I'm more used to octaves and sixths and fifths (more conventional intervals I think) so this whole arrangement really is an exercise in learning more colorful intervals which is neat.
Anyway this puts me at about 2/3 of the piece. I have two pages left to learn but I'm extremely unmotivated to practice (as I have been for the past week or so...) but hopefully I get myself together lol. There's nothing too crazy going on for the rest of the piece, it's just more.. foreign chords.. and foreign intervals... honestly when I'm learning notes and playing slowly, some phrases sound really odd because of the ~*~*~ jazz ~*~*~ so it's really neat to hear myself playing at tempo and to hear those oddities sort of meld and disappear into the music.
This concludes today's snapshot- NOT MUCH TO OFFER despite so many days since the last update, but.. hopefully I'll work harder for the rest of the piece...... (I really want to move onto another piece but I GOTTA FINISH THIS ONE)