Dependent Weakling - Snapshot #2
This is from the 21st of September but I didn't get a chance to log it until today whoops. Added a small phrase from 1:04 to what I had already learned and got more comfortable with the first part from the previous post.
The beginning kicked my butt???? I haven't really practiced it lol and it shows!!! I'll need to clean it up properly eventually.
The LH from around 1:05 is not very cohesive and I have to make some weird jumps.. still trying to ease those parts into my muscle memory. It's not physically strenuous but it's just.. very unusual haha. But I'm trying to practice using fingerings that are less strenuous even if they're a bit unconventional instead of gunning for fingerings that'll surely strain my hands.
1:22 begins the next phrase that's a quiet reprieve from the bombastic opening phrases; the rhythm is constantly flowing so it'll be another part where I need to make sure the melody sings. Some more weird fingerings but nothing my LH can't do without enough practice.
I'm amused because it's only (or already?) been five days and I've learned a significant portion more, and the part from 1:22 sounds really quite good, even stronger than the first parts of the piece. I need to go back and really break down those first few phrases..
This piece isn't.. too difficult so far but I don't want to underestimate it. I'm nearly done with 4 pages of 7 so I don't think it'll be long until I finish it (hopefully).