Current State…

I do have a First Impressions video I planned to upload as well (as a triple drop this week), but after spending a little more time on the piece this week, I’m not sure I’m going to enjoy learning it right now, honestly. It’s something that’s been on my to-learn list forever so I do plan to eventually get to it, but lately I just don’t enjoy playing piano as much as I did before in general. It makes me really sad lol but I also don’t know how to solve it? I mentioned a slump in an earlier post but it has been going on for a few months now. I’ve tried taking breaks of different lengths and dabbling with different pieces, but I am really, really struggling to stay motivated to learn even stuff I thought would get me out of this slump.

I’ve never hit a slump quite this hard since I started playing regularly again since 2017… though when I write it out like that, I guess it has been a while since I’ve been playing fairly regularly. I don’t know if a longer hiatus is on the books (or if it’ll even have any benefit to this situation), but I guess this is more a note to myself that I’m feeling like this right now.

I wanted to wrap up my latest projects and also post them properly while I had some energy left to do so. Now that those are up and archived, I think I’ll take some time to work more on finding an actual solution for this slump, whether that’s a prolonged break or just finding the right piece to break this.. this “art block” of sorts.

It’s also possible that I’ve just been experiencing too much change at once with my new job and adjusting to everything, as well as some other personal stuff… I feel like I’ve been blocked since April or so, which runs parallel to my career change timeline. It’s my first time going through all this, so maybe I’m mentally compartmentalizing like this without even realizing what’s happening.

Anyway. All this to say, I’m going to release myself from my self-imposed goal of posting at least once a month for now- I don’t want to feel like I’m forcing myself through anything, since I feel like that’ll just make things worse. And, that’s not why I play piano!! I play to enjoy myself- I don’t want to lose that feeling.


Vimara Village #1


Lovers’ Oath