General Updates apiacherie General Updates apiacherie

Current State…

I do have a First Impressions video I planned to upload as well (as a triple drop this week), but after spending a little more time on the piece this week, I’m not sure I’m going to enjoy learning it right now, honestly. It’s something that’s been on my to-learn list forever so I do plan to eventually get to it, but lately I just don’t enjoy playing piano as much as I did before in general. It makes me really sad lol but I also don’t know how to solve it? I mentioned a slump in an earlier post but it has been going on for a few months now. I’ve tried taking breaks of different lengths and dabbling with different pieces, but I am really, really struggling to stay motivated to learn even stuff I thought would get me out of this slump.

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General Updates Andrea Kim General Updates Andrea Kim

Transfer Complete

After nearly a year on my previous platform, I bit the bullet and bought my own domain- and moved to Squarespace in the process. All posts have been imported properly, and I updated the “About” page and added an “Archive” page.

Happy to have finally made the move and looking forward to continuing to maintain this blog!

I also dropped some cash monies on some new equipment so…. hopefully I can update this blog more often with that. I aimed for monthly updates before but now I want to update at least twice a month once everything comes in next week.

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